Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beginning of Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0

I started Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0 Monday. Each week I will post about my experience with the program; more often if something comes up that I feel would be beneficial to share in real time. After day 1, let me just share a few notes I think might be helpful for you if you are currently doing this program, or considering it.

1. I use the margins of each meal plan page and each training day page, but there are pre-made logs provided.

2. It helps me to record my water intake, any food substitutions, the time I ate, how I felt. Why is this important? I can use it for future reference, track my progress and detect any issues that creep up with my eating. For instance, in looking ahead I know I will be making substitutions (from the provided list) for mushrooms. But by documenting all this it will help me make sure I'm staying on track. I also tend to struggle with energy when my carb intake is low.

3. I can record the number of sets and reps I accomplish and the weight I use for each exercise. I can then use this to make sure I progress each time I do a particular exercise throughout the program. This adds some personal record challenge to it.

4. I have to make sure I'm hydrated. The workouts are very intense and adequate hydration is necessary for me to power through.

5. I find that with high intensity work the warm-up is all the more important before I launch into my workout. I hit a cardio machine just long enough to break a sweat and then take some time to go through bodyweight versions of any range of motion I will be doing, such as a light shoulder press, bodyweight squats or lunges, step-ups, etc. This helps prepare my body for the work I will be asking it to do, which may lower my chance for injury.

6. I had to take some time to cool down after that workout, and now I am desperate for some stretching so I would say don't neglect that part! Do some stretching post workout!

More tips as I go along this experience. Workout 1 is a rough one. I went all out with it and am very sore today, even though none of the exercises was new to me! As I wrote before, it goes from heavy lifting through several transitions until you are higher in reps, lower in weight, resting less and then you finish off (literally) with bodyweight intervals. Whew!

The eating was easy for me because I was so ready to clean it up after Thanksgiving. At first it always seems like a lot of food, but I remember from the first program that by the end of week 1 I am enjoying every bite of the frequent, healthy meals.

We'll see how I do this week. My first challenge has already hit because I am traveling for 2 days. That's not very good timing for the start of a structured program, but I didn't want to delay any longer! It will be good experience for the big picture because it reinforces the need to be able to continue healthy habits while on the road. More to come!

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Related Posts:

Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0 Initial Impression

Release of Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0

Review of Workout 1, Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0

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