Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Turbulence Training 3 for 1 Sale

Passing on some info! Craig Ballantyne of Turbulence Training just started a sale on 3 of his popular programs for the price of 1. I have several Turbulence Training workouts and a membership, but have not yet started these. Craig's been around a while and I find his stuff is sound for fat loss. People seem to consistently have good results with his programs. For $19.95 you get all three programs, which should be about 3 months of workouts, so that's a pretty good deal I would say, especially if you're trying to decide what to do next. It also includes 30 days access to the membership site and I think a couple of additional programs. The sale ends February 3.

The first is the TT2K10 workout. This was his new year kick-off program that has had some really good reviews. It's not a beginner program. True to his style he includes some interval training, bodyweight and mini-circuits, and I believe some kettlebell work too.

The second one is the TT Beginner Total-Torso-Training. Should be good for someone getting started. It sounds safe and not too intense. Definitely not for someone who is further along in the fitness journey unless it's to go back for a review and rework of the basics.

The third one is the TT Transformation. Sounds like he took the best of the best of his fat burning workouts and put it together.

The first and third ones I'd like to try. Putting them on the docket! So many workouts, so little time. If you try them out, let me know what you think.

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