Monday, March 30, 2009

The Abs Challenge

If you're up for it, check out Arnel Ricafranca's current 16 week Ab Challenge. I believe it is too late to sign up for this specific contest, but not too late to use these great workouts. This guy doesn't mess around. He gives full instructions and posts a video each week of exactly how to perform the exercises, demonstrating excellent form I might add. Today starts Week 5, but you can also get the videos and instructions for Weeks 1-4. Workouts are three days a week and have now advanced from supersets to circuits. It's looking harder and harder each week. It is also free. He offers some guidance on nutrition by way of Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT and it's all done with equipment you may already have at home.

I am working through another program at this time, but will definitely be following the results of this one and saving the details of the workouts for future use. I'm sure it's likely he will begin another challenge when this one is over.

Check it out: The Abs Challenge


Anonymous said...

Awesome Kelley!
Thanks for pointing Arnel's site out...never would have found it otherwise...looks like some solid stuff...(checked out a few vids already) I'll definitely have to try some of these. Not sure when, though...but I will! Good stuff!


Kelley Moore said...

It really does look good and I am collecting and archiving these workouts. I have the very same problem - great stuff out there and I want to do it all, but in what timing and where to fit it in is the question!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!("collecting and archiving")I think I'll do the same...Thanks again, Kelley!
